Land Registry

Purpose, Aim

The Land Registry oversees all land registration on the island. Its aim is to provide efficient, accurate and reliable registration of title in accordance with the Registered Land Act, RSA, CR30 and other relevant legislation including the Land Surveyors Act, RSA CL30, the Aliens Land Holdings Licence Regulations Act, RSA, CA55, the Stamp Act, RSA, CS55, the Condominium Act, RSA C80 and the Land Acquisition Act RSA CL10. This aim is achieved through the hard work of experienced staff members who are dedicated to effectively carrying out their duties on a daily basis.


Position Name Email
Registrar Smith, Lynne
Assistant Registrar Gumbs, Alma
Senior Registration Officer Baker, Claudia
Senior Registration Officer Brown, Shanelle
Registration Officer Duncan-Smith, Marcia
Data Entry Clerk Vacant


Customers can choose from list of available prescribed forms to give effect to the desired type of land transaction which they wish to have registered. Each form should be submitted with a copy of the Customer Contact form (see (f) customer check list) available at the Front Office. Below is the list of forms which are available at the nominal fee of XCD$10.00/US$3.72.

No. Form Number Form Type Main Purpose of Document

    Aliens Land Holding Licences

    Applications for Alien Land Holding Licences (ALHLs) must be made to the Department of Lands and Surveys addressed to the Director. The Registry Section receives and processes applications for ALH Licences made in accordance with the Aliens Land Holding Licence Regulations Act, RSA CA55. Before an ALHL Application can be accepted for processing there are certain requirements which must be met. Please see Aliens Land Holding Licence Guidance Notes for more detailed information regarding these types of applications.

    Alien Land Holding Licencing Fees

    No. Transaction Type Fee/Stamp Duty
    1 Application for Aliens Land Holding Licence Fee XCD$1,075.28/US$400.00
    2 ALHL Fee for Freehold property 12.5%
    3 ALHL for Leasehold Property/on Transfer of Shares in an Alien Company or Company which becomes Alien
    - Over 99 years
    - From 50 years to 99 years
    - From 10 years to 50 years
    - Less than 10 years
    - Any other interest

    - 11% of the freehold value
    - 10% of the freehold value
    - 5% of the freehold value
    - XCD$500.00
    - XCD$500.00

    Transfers to successful applications of the Aliens Land Holding Licence will also attract Stamp Duty of 5% of the value of the property for freehold property and 0.05% of the freehold value for each year of the lease for leasehold property.

    Where land is being purchased for construction of a residence, a deposit of 10% of the freehold value is required prior to issuing the Licence. This deposit is refunded if the property is completed within the time specified in the Licence.

    Once all of the required information is submitted along with a properly completed ALHL Application, within five (5) working days, the Registry Section processes and forwards the application to the Ministry of Economic, Development, Investments, Commerce, Tourism, Lands and Surveys and Planning for further processing before it is forwarded to Executive Council for consideration and possible approval.

    General turnaround time for processing of Applications is between two (2) to five (5) weeks subject to the circumstances of each particular case.

    What to Expect on Registration – Basic Procedural Guideline

    1 Document/Form is submitted at the Land Registry.
    2 Where the document is a Transfer it will be forwarded to Valuation Officer for assessment for Stamp Duty. This process takes between one (1) to two (2) working days.
    3 Customer pays Stamp Duty.
    4 Details of Document/Form is entered in the Application Book and assigned an Instrument Number for processing.
    5 Registration process for normal transactions can take between three (3) to five (5) working days. For surveys normal processing time is four (4) to six (6) weeks.
    6 The customer is expected to follow up at the Land Registry for confirmation that the registration process is completed.

    Fees & Stamp Duties

    The revised Land Registry Fees & Stamp Duties effective January 4, 2016 are as follows:

    1. Registered Land Form • Not applicable • XCD$10.00
    2. Registration or filing of any instruments • Not applicable • XCD$100.00 See Registered Land (Amendment) Rules, 2015
    3. On Application for any instrument to be prepared in the Registry which requires substantial additions to or variations from the prescribed forms • Not applicable • XCD$200.00
    4. On Application for any instrument to be prepared in the Registry except where item 3 applies
    • Certified
    • Uncertified
    • No Stamp Duty
    • XCD$60.00
    • XCD$50.00
    5. RL1 Transfers Land • 5% the value of the property conveyed or transferred See Section 26 of the Schedule
    • 5% where the transfer is a gift (voluntary transfer, that is Natural Love & Affection) the value of the property will replace the value of the consideration for the sale See Section 55
    • 1% where:
    • both parties are Belongers under the provisions of the Constitution of Anguilla; and
    • the transferee is the child or grandchild, parent or grandparent, brother or sister, husband or wife, of the transferor. See Section 55 of Stamp Act
    • XCD$100.00
    6. Shares • 5% of the value of the land for Transfer or agreement for sale of the shares in a company which is the registered proprietor of land (either as to absolute or provisional title) or a lease of land in Anguilla concerned. See Section 25 of the Schedule (Payable at the Land Registry) AND
    • $5 for every $500 (or part thereof) transferred for Transfer of shares or stock in a company (Payable at the Companies’ Registry)
    7. RL 2 Transfer of Lease • 5% the value of the property conveyed or transferred See Section 26 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    8. RL 3 Transfer of Charge • 1% the value of the amount secured See Section 48(c) of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    9. RL 4 Transfer by exercise of power of sale (auction type transactions) • 5% of the value of the property conveyed or transferred See Section 26 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    10. RL 5 Transfer of Profit • 5% the value of the property conveyed or transferred See Section 26 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    11. RL 6 Transfer of Undivided Share • 5% the value of the land See Section 55 & Section 26 of the Schedule
    • 1% where:
    - both parties are Belongers; and
    - the transferee is the child or grandchild, parent or grandparent, brother or sister, husband or wife, of the transferor.
    • XCD$100.00
    12. RL 7 Transfer By Personal Representative To Person Entitled Under a Will or Intestacy • XCD$20.00 See Section 28 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    13. RL 8 Lease • 0.05% of the value of the leased property for each year or part of a year of the term of the lease up to a maximum of 5% of the value of the leased property. See Section 41 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    14. RL 9 Charges • 1% the amount secured/value of the charge See Section 47 of the Schedule
    • 1% the value of any additional sums
    • XCD$20.00 where no additional value
    • XCD$100.00
    • XCD$100.00
    15. RL 10 Discharge of Security • XCD$20.00 See Section 51 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    16. RL 11 Surrender of Lease • XCD$20.00 See Section 51 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    17. RL12 Grant of Easement • XCD$20.00 See Section 33 of the Schedule • XCD$200.00 (for 2 Parcels)
    • XCD$100.00 per extra Parcel
    18. RL13 Grant of profit • XCD$20.00 See Section 33 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    19. Application for Restrictive Agreement (done as rectification) • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    • XCD$100.00
    20. RL14 Release of Profit, Easement or Restrictive Agreement • XCD$20.00 See Section 51 of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    21. RL15 Severance of Joint Proprietorship • No Stamp Duty • XCD$100.00
    22. RL16 Application for Partition • No Stamp Duty • XCD$100.00
    • XCD$70.00 for each Parcel created by partition, subdivision or a combination of partition or subdivision
    23. RL17 Power of Attorney • XCD$25.00 See Section 43(d) of the Schedule • XCD$100.00
    24. Bank Power of Attorney • XCD$25.00 See Section 43(d) of the Schedule
    25. RL18 Notice of Revocation of a Power of Attorney • RL18 Notice of Revocation of a Power of Attorney • XCD$100.00
    26. RL 19 Application to be Registered as Proprietor by Transmission • No Stamp Duty • XCD$100.00
    27. RL20 Caution (Personal) • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    28. RL20 Caution (Bank) • No Stamp Duty • XCD$100.00
    29. Removal of Restriction • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    30. RL21 Notice of Intention to Appeal to the High Court • No Stamp Duty • XCD$100.00
    31. RL22 Application to Inspect the Register • No Stamp Duty • XCD$10.00
    32. RL23 Application for Certified Copy of Register • No Stamp Duty • No Registration Fee
    33. Copy of Register Pages up to the first four (4) pages
    • Certified
    • Uncertified
    • No Stamp Duty • XCD$80.00 (thereafter $10.00 per page)
    • XCD$60.00 (thereafter $10.00 per page)
    34. RL24 Application for
    (a) Official Search
    (b) Official Search with stay
    • No Stamp Duty
    • XCD$120.00
    • XCD$200.00
    35. Application to Determine a Disputed/Uncertain Boundary • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    36. Fixing any boundary under Section 18(1) of the Registered Land Act, RSA, CR30 • No Stamp Duty • XCD$400.00 for every hour or part of an hour of the time involved together with any expenses incurred by the Registrar
    37. Application for First Land Certificate • No Stamp Duty • XCD$500.00
    38. Application to Cancel Land Certificate (Advertised in Gazette) • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    39. Application for Amalgamation • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00 for 2 lots
    • XCD$50.00 for each additional lot
    40. Application for Registration by Prescription • No Stamp Duty • XCD$5,000.00
    41. Application for Rectification of Register or Map • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    42. Application for Deletion on Death • No Stamp Duty • XCD$200.00
    43. Affidavit or Statutory Declaration • XCD$20.00 • No registration Fee
    44. Affidavit or Statutory Declaration • XCD$20.00 unless exempted by Section 59 of the Schedule to the Stamp Act
    45. Copy of each page for any register or instrument (a) certified (b) uncertified
    46. MAPS
    Certified (Full Map)
    Uncertified (Full Map)

    Letter size

    Uncertified/GIS Maps without Image
    Letter size



    Letter size

    GIS/LIS (with image) *without image see Uncertified GIS Maps
    Letter size

    • XCD$60.00
    • XCD$40.00

    • XCD$15.00
    • XCD$20.00
    • XCD$30.00

    • XCD$10.00
    • XCD$15.00
    • XCD$20.00

    • XCD$20.00

    • XCD$80.00

    • XCD$60.00
    • XCD$35.00
    • XCD$40.00
    • XCD$40.00

    • XCD$25.00
    • XCD$35.00
    • XCD$45.00
    • XCD$5.00
    Certificate (Probate)

    • XCD$40.00 per Parcel
    • XCD$200.00
    48. Any other matter or thing not specifically provided for • A fee not exceeding XCD$500.00 per hour

    Time Frame for Registration

    The exact time frame for processing and registration of instruments/Forms is subject to the particular circumstances of each registration. However, barring any unique and unforeseen matters arising the general turnaround time for the registration of standard instruments excluding Partitions/ Surveys is generally between three (3) to five (5) working days. For surveys registration can take between four (4) to six (6) weeks.

    Customer Check List for Documents Submitted for Registration at the Land Registry For All Document Types:

    1. The customer is expected to carry out a search of the Register to check the accuracy of the information required to complete each RL/Other Form.
    2. The customer must ensure that each RL/Other Form contains the following information as applicable:
      1. Registration Section, Block and Parcel Number
      2. Name(s) and Address(es) of Applicant(s)/Transferor(s)/Proprietor(s)/Chargee(s)
      3. Instrument Number (for Removal of Restrictions, Variation of Charges, Transfers by Chargee in Exercise of Power of Sale)
      4. Consideration (for Transfers)
      5. Acreage
      6. Description of the interest (whether as joint tenants or tenants in common)
      7. Type of interest claimed by the Applicant (for Cautions)
      8. Name(s) and Address(es) of Transferee(s)/Chargee(s)
      9. Planning Permission (for Partition, Amalgamation and Grant of Easement)
      10. Size of the Right Of Way (for Grant of Easement)
      11. Map showing location of Right Of Way (for Grant of Easement)
      12. Statutory Declaration (for Caution, Restriction, Rectification, Cancellation of Land Certificate and Prescription)
      13. An indication of how the lots will be distributed (if shares) (for Partition and Prescription – where applicable)
      14. Signed Survey Plan with Field Notes and Computation Notes (for Partition, Boundary Disputes and Prescriptions – where applicable)
    3. The customer must ensure the form is properly executed with the:
      1. Date
      2. Signature of Applicant(s)/Transferor(s)/Proprietor(s)/Chargee(s)
      3. Signature of Transferee(s)/Chargee(s) etc
      4. Signature, Stamp/Seal of Commissioner of Oath/Notary
      5. Certificate of completion completed and duly executed on back of Form
    4. The customer must ensure that the following documents (where applicable) are attached to the duly executed Form:
      1. Certificate of Good Standing
      2. Land Certificate
      3. Proof of Belonger’s Status
      4. Company Certificate of Incorporation
      5. Letter of consent from Cautioner, Chargee or Discharge of Charge/Removal of Restrictions